Extract and Rename – extracting information from the PDF – attachment name, path, subject, e-mail addresses, …
The ExtRen plug-in can search e-mail addresses and subjects via configurable delimiter in the generated PDF, extract and use them for sending the email.
The ExtRen plug-in includes also the ability to define the name of the generated PDF file, and then use this as an attachment name.
- Definition of variables for destination file name / Notes Name and path – limiter – start / end, looking in – Front page / all pages / Last Page.
- Defining the naming rule for the new file / attachment name on the fix given (date, time, workstation; name, user name, origin of name counter) or user-defined variable is extracted the content from the PDF.
- Startup folder if the file is only stored and not sent as an attachment.
- Path configuration variables as for the file name including free defined variables whose content is extracted from the PDF.
- Starting value – counter.
- If destination file already exists – overwrite, counter, attach.
- After processing delete document – Yes / No
Product homepage: http://www.pdfprinter.at/en/
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Maintenance agreement for the MAY Computer or XKEY products is valid for 12 months and is payable in advance.