

Interactive application for compressing PDF files.

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SKU: 8PC-DropComp Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,

DropCompress makes it possible to reduce and optimize several PDF documents at once directly by drag & drop or via a monitored folder. DropCompress is an executable MS Windows application that can be started automatically and is based on our PDFCompressor – C # /. NET component.

DropCompress functions:

  • Executable MS Windows application with autostart function.
  • Compresses and optimizes single or multiple PDF’s.
  • Start processing by drag & drop by dragging the PDFs onto a DropZone and / or Compression by monitoring a folder / folder structure.
  • Compression profiles – new, copy, change name, delete, import, export – allow the settings to be changed quickly and easily.
  • Profile selection before starting processing in order to be able to select or change settings.

Product homepage: www.smallestpdf.com

Maintenance agreement is optional but highly recommended!

Software maintenance includes updates, patches and product support. With valid maintenance agreement, you will receive by 50% of the list price new versions of the product (change the first digit of the version number). Also new version license free of charge within 6 months of purchase.

Maintenance agreement for the MAY Computer or XKEY products is valid for 12 months and is payable in advance.