HTML2PDF-FM (HTML to PDF) FolderMonitoring – Windows service with folder monitoring – converts HTML and web links to PDF and PDF/A
Features HTML2PDF-FM:
- Several HTML and URL / TXT web link files can be converted to PDF and also combined into a PDF or PDF / A overall file.
- Processes ZIP, CHTML, CHTM containers as well as web links directly via URL and TXT files.
- A single TXT file can also contain multiple web links.
- CHTML, CHTM – are ZIP files that combine all necessary files (HTML, external images, PDF) in a single container file. A ZIP can also contain URLs or TXT files with web links.
- The sorting is based on the name of the input files (HTML. PDF, TXT, URL).
- Insert PDF bookmarks based on the structure of the ZIP with HTML, URL, TXT files.
- MS Windows service
- Several jobs can be created to monitor several incoming folders.
- Multithreading / parallel processing ensures high processing throughput
- Configuration of the conversion parameters (page size, margins …) via profiles (new, copy, edit, delete, export, import)
- Only the start folder or the entire subfolder structure can be processed.
- Folder contents can be deleted after processing or the folder structure can be retained.
- Folder structure from the incoming folder can also be transferred to the target folder.
- File processing via filter – name, extension, created from / to, changed from / to.
- Sorted processing by name / date and in ascending / descending order possible.
- Creation of a new file name via variable (date, time, counter, origin name / extension)
- Delete the original file (move), copy or create an archive copy
- Folder monitoring and processing start via file system events – immediately, or with an adjustable delay (0-999sec.), or via time interval (in min.)
- Start processing at a set date / time with optional daily / weekly repetition.
- Adjustable number of retry attempts / time interval if a file is blocked.
- Logging (all events, only the error events)
Option: PDF/A
File output also as PDF/A-1b, 2b, 3b
Option: PDFCompressor
This enables the PDF files generated by the OCR process to be optimized and compressed to a minimum.
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Software maintenance includes updates, patches and product support. With valid maintenance agreement, you will receive by 50% of the list price new versions of the product (change the first digit of the version number). Also new version license free of charge within 6 months of purchase.
Maintenance agreement for the MAY Computer or XKEY products is valid for 12 months and is payable in advance.