
Plug-in for eDocPrintPro terminal server

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PDFSign plug-in – to digitally sign your PDF documents with a X.509 certificate.

In addition to the single signature, larger quantities of documents can also be signed in the stack in a time-saving manner. Since the signing also guarantees that a document has not been changed afterwards, the signing must always be the last step of the document creation. A subsequent change would render the signature invalid.

PDF/A or ZUGFERD documents remain valid: PDFSign ensures that the PDF/A or ZUGFeRD compliance is maintained even when applying the (visible) signature.

Signature display configurable: PDFSign offers all possibilities to configure the visual representation of the visibly displayed signature. In addition to a number of parameters, the position as well as the pages – first, last, all – can be defined.

PKI compatibility: PDFSign is completely PKI neutral and works with PKI components from any vendor, including CAs, certificates, CRLs, SmartCards, etc. The access and use of the certificates and associated private keys can be done via SmartCards, USB Token or PFX files. Also, a signature processing is supported via Hardware Security Module (HSM), provided that they have an MS-CAPI or PKCS # 11 interface.

Product homepage: www.pdfprinter.at

Additional information PDFBlog: www.pdfblog.at

Maintenance agreement is optional but highly recommended!

Software maintenance includes updates, patches and product support. With valid maintenance agreement, you will receive by 50% of the list price new versions of the product (change the first digit of the version number). Also new version license free of charge within 6 months of purchase.

Maintenance agreement for the MAY Computer or XKEY products is valid for 12 months and is payable in advance.

Alternative: iPaper PDF Printer
iPaper provide a variety of additional features beyond the functionality of individual plug-ins and combines a multitude of plug-ins (overlay, merge, mail, sign, …) in a single easy-to-use application.
