PDF Add Overlay


Plug-in for eDocPrintPro terminal server

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With the Add Overlay / Underlay plug-in you will be able to over- or underlay PDF Forms to your print automatically. The plug-in has similar functions like the iPaper but not that convenient and not that comprehensive.

  • Select PDF Overlays / Underlays
  • Number of pages to be used (all, first, x page)
  • Use Forms once or multiple (Loop)

At “use once” (Loop off) with e.g. a 2 page PDF form the first page will be used once and replicated to the second page and all following pages. At “multiple” (Loop ON) this 2 page form will be used in a loop (different 1 and 2 page).

But eDocPrintPro comes with the Plug-In-Concept and a SDK and will support you with a lot of possibilities to expand and to integrate to your applications.

Product homepage: www.pdfprinter.at

Maintenance agreement is optional but highly recommended!

Software maintenance includes updates, patches and product support. With valid maintenance agreement, you will receive by 50% of the list price new versions of the product (change the first digit of the version number). Also new version license free of charge within 6 months of purchase.

Maintenance agreement for the MAY Computer or XKEY products is valid for 12 months and is payable in advance.

Replaced by iPaper PDF Printer

iPaper provide a variety of additional features beyond the functionality of individual plug-ins and combines a multitude of plug-ins (overlay, merge, mail, sign, …) in a single easy-to-use application.
