PDPDFPrint-CL Installation on workstation is a command-line printing application to print PDF documents directly on physical printers – locally or remotely.
PDFPrint-CL also supports printing through the PDF2Printer printer service.
- Command-line application, several times in parallel callable.
- Prints PDF’s directly on locally connected or network printers.
- Supports the PDF2Printer printer service.
- All settings can be managed via profiles (XML files) – Profile: New, Copy, Change Name, Delete, Export, Import.
- Print based on the PDF elements – for a quick and resource-saving output or as an image file rendered from the PDF.
- Selection of available printers by name or using the default printer.
- Adjustable max. resolution and max. memory for the rendered image file.
- Adjustable timing for printing.
- Specification of the number of copies.
- Print Mode: Fit to Page, Original, Reduce.
- Scale printing output – in % – when output as an image file.
- Orientation – portrait format, horizontal format or automatic – when output as an image file.
Product homepage: www.pdf-print.de
Maintenance agreement is optional but highly recommended!
Software maintenance includes updates, patches and product support. With valid maintenance agreement, you will receive by 50% of the list price new versions of the product (change the first digit of the version number). Also new version license free of charge within 6 months of purchase.
Maintenance agreement for the MAY Computer or XKEY products is valid for 12 months and is payable in advance.